When I went into my studio today, I decided to work with cold wax & oil on the paintings I started in Session 1. I’m really trying to challenge myself right now – working with different media and exploring unknown territory. Growth comes when you step outside of your comfort zone.
Perhaps this is inspired by a recent blog post from one of my favourite bloggers, Seth Godin. Failure (and the fear of failure) gives you a chance to have a voice….
Because failure frightens people who care less than you do.
So let’s be passionate and genuine, regardless of the outcome!
Setting up for cold wax and oil Session 3
I squeezed out a few colours of oil paint, and put about the same amount of Gamblin Cold Wax medium next to each colour.
Here you see the oil paint and wax mixed on the palette. I decided to add some Ice Blue to my palette.
I starting to apply oil and wax to Piece #1
I applied more oil and wax to Piece #1
I then started to apply oil and wax to Piece #2
Results: Cold wax and oil Piece #1
Results: Cold wax and oil Piece #2
Leftover product….starting another piece (this is a 12×12 that I had previously textured with light molding paste).
I decided to work on a piece I started a while ago. Leftover product can be very motivating!
And here it is a while later after playing with cold wax & oil. So much more depth, even if it isn’t finished.