I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! This is my favourite holiday of the year, and I am looking forward to spending some time with family on the Island.
There are so many things I am grateful for, not the least of which is You! I am honoured that you have some interest in my artwork & in my journey as a professional artist.
This was a big year for me, with my 1st New York show (I know there will be more to come!), and my big home & studio move to Abbotsford, which enables me to be more focused on my art business.
There hasn’t been as much time to paint as I would like, but is there ever??
Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas! May your heart and home be filled with love, joy & peace at this time, as well as great hope for the year ahead.
From my joyful and creative heart to yours, a big Hug and Merry Christmas!