What does it take to be a successful artist? 


In my humble opinion, it takes a willingness to show up and work, whether or not you feel inspired.

It’s also key to trust the process, even when things don’t go the way you thought they should.

The truth is that it takes a lot of grit to be a working artist. It’s not for the faint of heart. But it’s totally worth it!  

This week, I encourage you to just start. Dip your brush into some paint. Strum on the guitar. Put pen to paper. Try a new recipe. Whatever your art ... just start. 

And remember that even our failures are important. We learn as much (or more) from our failures as we do our successes.  

Set your creative genius free to create and you might just be a little bit amazed at what happens! I sure was when I started painting in my 30’s :)  xoxo Jenn

Jenn Williamson