Nurturing the Creative Spirit
Dawn Breaking 7x12
Burnout is real. And many of us creative spirits are prone to it. Do you ever feel like you can’t give enough? Are you remembering to save something for yourself? When we ‘over-give’ to others and forget about taking care of ourselves, we aren’t helping anyone.
If you find yourself lacking creative inspiration or not having the time to devote to your creative practice, this might be a sign that you are on your way to burnout. I highly recommend you STOP, and take some time to evaluate whether you might be neglecting your very precious creativity.
Sometimes the things we make a priority are unfulfilling distractions like Netflix and the vast array of similar platforms at our fingertips these days (look no further than your cell phone usage). Other times it’s caring for aging parents, our kids, our spouses, legit kind of things that are important and need to be done.
To avoid inconvenient things like insanity, alcoholism, and workaholism to name a few, it would be wise to prioritize at least a little time each day to nurture your creative spirit. It will thank you for it! Everyone around you will thank you for it :)
I’m working on doing this myself right now because for the past several years I’ve neglected my own creative spirit, and it has taken a toll. It has never abandoned me, but I’m realizing I’ve not cherished it the way I would like to in my life.
If you can relate to this, I’d love for you to drop me a note so we can cheer each other on. I think this world would be a much more peaceful place if more creatives were flowing in their God-given gifting!
Journal prompt: What would it take to make room for 15 minutes of creative flow a day? Is there something you can give up or cut down on that might open the door for this to happen?
Blessings and peace to you today, friends :)
~ Jenn