Surrender and Hope...

It’s been an interesting week. Last week I surrendered everything. I mean everything! I filled 2 pages in my journal.

If you don’t already know the story of my failed attempt to get a puppy to train as a therapy dog, you can read about it an earlier blog post “The Truman Project - temporarily derailed due to Covid 19”.

It’s funny how sometimes it takes letting go before things can happen. Have you found this to be true in your life?

No, I don’t have a puppy yet.

But, after I surrendered everything, miracles began happening.

Hmmm…maybe God knows what’s best and I don’t?! What a novel idea!

This painting is called Hope. I painted it this week and it has a cool story behind it. Perhaps I’ll write about it some day.

The inspiration behind the painting and the title came from listening to an interview between John O’Leary and Steven Curtis Chapman - both are amazing humans! If you would like to be encouraged, or just want to hear an incredible story, have a listen: !

I was planning on getting a male puppy, calling him Truman, and training him to be a ‘true gentleman’ - a therapy dog.

When I painted this piece and the name “Hope” came to me, I started thinking that Hope would be a perfect name for a therapy dog. Maybe I’ll get a girl afterall. I’ll keep you posted. There will be puppy news soon :)

I truly hope you are managing to stay peaceful during these difficult times. I have to keep surrendering - over & over again - but each time I do, something wonderful happens! :)

Blessings and peace, Jenn xo